ACIM Lesson 170 notes.

There is no cruelty in God and none in me.


“You make what you defend against, and by your own defense against it is it real and inescapable. ⁷Lay down your arms, and only then do you perceive it false.”

This lesson is truly difficult as it wants us to see and understand how we have twisted ‘love’ into defensiveness and cruelty – this all to just feel safe – to protect the body as we limit our belief in ourselves as being only our bodies. We are so far from knowing our true Selves as Love, and holy.

This lesson shows me that my eyes are more open as I can give my attention to this difficult description of our world. It is like seeing for the first time.

I am ready for true Love, peace, and strength to be in my world. Amen!


“When you think that you attack in self-defense, you mean that to be cruel is protection, you are safe because of cruelty.”

In today’s CAC Daily Meditation, Fr. Richard said of Jesus, “Jesus is never upset with sinners, but only with people who pretend they are not sinners.”

Fr. Richard says, “The shadow self is not of itself evil; it just allows us to do evil without recognizing it as evil.”

We defend our thoughts.

Recently, I noticed myself defending a thought about a type of bracket for the bathroom. My husband had a thought about a different bracket which he defended. These momentary thoughts brought tension between us. We are silly bunnies.


I feel fear for my kids. I don’t want to take on their problems. I create fears as well as the need to problem solve and control.

I can choose peace. I can see all situations as opportunity, even if it is rough, as it brings their adult experiences.

I choose a God of Love and a world that is well.

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