ACIM Lesson 190 notes.

I choose the joy of God instead of pain.


“The world you see does nothing. It has not effects at all. It merely represents your thoughts. And it will change entirely as you elect to change your mind, and choose the joy of God as what you want.” (para.6)

Yesterday we were asked to let go and ‘hold onto nothing’. It is very easy to lose our trust in God with the ideas of this lesson. Questions arise, what about earthquakes, hurricanes, or wars? Even if I live in my whole heart-centered Self, can pain be a choice?

I don’t know. And I am not meant to know. Fixing the future is not where my aspirations lie.

Recently, I have been working through the ACIM Manual for Teachers. Lessons from Chapter 4 come to mind to ease the worry behind these questions. Gentleness, defenselessness, and faithfulness bring peace back to me. This is where I am meant to be right now. This is where my strength, and peace, and joy are, in this NOW moment, trusting the truth of this lesson.

Choosing Love, I know Its blessing in many aspects of my life. I let go of my doubts to trust God’s will. I let go of having to know.


“Pain is illusion; joy, reality.”

I was grumpy yesterday afternoon, this after writing of the Love of God within me. I wasn’t very loving. I wanted things my way, saw it, and still could not choose to behave kinder.

Oh joy, where are you? The other gifts of Love I can open to receive. Joy is different.

I have a block to joy – I make this declaration so this can change.

(I am guided to the ‘Body Code’ energy healing method that I’ve been hiding from for several weeks.)


I’m thinking of a couple acquaintances who, days before passing, said their good-byes to friends, knowing (or choosing) to go – both were younger ill people.

As bystanders who are given these insights into free will choices being made, if it is ‘fear thoughts’ of the mind that causes pain in the body, what can we offer to our brothers in pain?

I tend to avoid prayers for ‘miracles’ (my own ideas of how things should turn out) and just pray for MBO, most benevolent outcome. God’s will.

The lesson says that we create all of this, so do my prayers for another mean anything? Can the outcome only be created by a persons own thoughts?


I know a change of thought/belief in the person is best, but God can intervene (when best for all involved – MBO!).

More people die then experience spontaneous healings. I think that an elevated atmosphere, Grace, is how I can help.

My prayer has changed for an ill person I know … that he be surrounded by the love of his ancestors and entourage. “Let the Grace in!’ Then MBO!

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