ACIM Lesson 243 notes.

Today I will judge nothing that occurs.


“We are one because each part contains Your memory, and truth must shine in all of us as one.”

I spent a good deal of time with this lesson this morning as I had the desire to offer something meaningful in these notes. I thought of how I might teach this to loved ones (a judgement that they need it); this led me to the thought of past lessons on perception. To look at things differently, I thought of being a teacher to myself … I would like to let judgement go.

Finally, I realized that all these thoughts were in my head, so I decided to ask my heart about the idea of this lesson. Here is how that conversation went …

First, I was told ‘Love’. Next, I was told that letting go of judgement is difficult and that ‘wasn’t it better to weigh things against whether it was loving or not?’

As I write this, I question this as it still feels like judgement. I brought the example of abortion to mind. Is it loving to the child? Is it loving to the mother? I realized it is for the people involved to weigh in their own hearts. The words that came to my lips were, ‘Who am I to judge?’

This tells me that when we use what we see to judge that our thoughts are full of mis-perceptions, therefore our judgements will not be of service to ourselves or others. When we bring a situation to our hearts to weigh against Love, clarity and truth will be there. We will be guided in that which is ours while also being shown what to release.

“Thus do I free myself and what I look upon, to be in peace as God create me.” <3


“Father, today I leave creation free to be itself. I honor all its parts, in which I am included.”

I am open to recognizing that I know very little.


(Not even Earl playing with my notebook strings …)

I don’t want to judge anymore. My note about Earl gave me some insight. At first, I wanted to use more negative wording about his actions, for dramatic effect.

Is judgement all about drama?

The Game.”     “The illusion.”     “Actors in a play.”     ???

We say we judge others as separate, different, bad, out of fear. Are we not creating the fear?

If we saw All as one family, where would be the drama? What others would we fear?

EGO, what are you doing?

I felt some empathy for you when I was told that your purpose was to secure and protect. But if you just create trouble where there is none, for dramatic effect, that makes me feel frustrated. Why am I carrying you around then just to make my life for difficult? (I hear laughing.)


[Now this is judgement, why are you after me?]

Is my EGO a jokester? Or is it with me just to perpetuate this dualistic realm?

[Got it!]

Dear God, let this new awareness growing in my consciousness be a tool to release judgement of the dear ones I share this realm with.


[] Words I heard back from the questions to my EGO.

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