ACIM Lesson 229 notes.

Love, which created me, is what I am.


“I seek my own identity and find It in these words.”

(This is me with words of welcome, waiting for His step toward me as offered in the Part II Introduction.)

Welcome. What should I know today?

(My heart swells with Love.)

I do not hear You as my mind is busy turning over ideas related to a family situation …

Love, be with me. 
Be strong and flow through me, avoiding all the nonsense my mind develops to control life’s experiences.
Your way is best.
Love, be with me. 
I let Your truth overcome the illusions I think up to manipulate life.
I want to see.
Love, be with me.
Your peace will be mine as Your way is revealed as best, most Loving, and kind.
I let go.
Love, be with me.
Joy arises in me as the idea of Your way guiding my actions feels so right.
I am free.
Love, that I am, light my way.


I am Love. It is what I am. When I align and sit in the presence of Love, I am within myself.

What about when I give love to others? It is the melting of our belief in separation fading away so that the truth of Love flowing is felt. I have the thought that the physical world is here for soul to experience the slowing down (or restriction) of emotions/energy.

I feel a chewing sensation.

This world allows for the tasting and chewing of emotions to really get to know them instead of them flowing quickly past.

I am Love, living in a sea of Love.

And truly blessed to be given the means to experience Love, in all its many frequencies.


I seek my own identity, and find it in these words, ‘Love, which created me, is what I am“.

I declare ‘I am’ many times a day but, I realized, I do not relate them to my identity – seems odd. It is me hoping I am Love, light, holy …

Identity feels like knowing. Do I know I am Love, light, holy? No, just hopeful.

How do I come to know I am Love? Do I know what Love is?

I try to understand what I may not be meant to understand.

Richard Rohr today says (in his daily contemplation email) “the ego insists on understanding. That’s why Jesus praises a certain quality even more than Love, and he calls it faith.”

Tricia, have faith that you are Love. I am Love.

Hope, believe, know.

What is the difference between belief and faith?

To believe in something – it is a working theory you move forward with it but can shift if other proof is revealed.

Faith – moving forward no matter what, stepping out on the ledge (like in 3rd Indiana Jones movie) or out on a limb (like Shirly McClaine).

I nearly confused these!

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