Sunday 4-10-2022 The game has ended!

(For reference, see post Sunday 7-14-19 The Game)

While doing my ACIM notes on lessons 93 and 94, I saw that karma as well as the belief that we are unworthy are the cause for ‘spiritual work’. We see what is wrong and work to make it right. ACIM takes us past this to the being that we already are, fully whole in Light and Love.

In the notes Hollie Holden provided, she told of a ‘peak experience’ that left her laughing as she looked from a higher perspective on her in-this-world self. This reminded of my ‘peak experience’ so I found the post in this blog.

It occurred in July 2019 in a Sunday conversation with my Higher Self/Holy Spirit (HS). In the post, I worked on trying to accept apologies and HS brought me down into a deep root of unworthiness. It was related to female roles and our accepting the position of being the ‘bad one’ in relationships … for millennia. I could see our dualistic world required that there be ones who took the good roles and ones who took the bad.

I cried and laughed as my awareness looked from above on ‘the game’ we choose to participate in. Men were empowered so women had to recede and diminish. And anything outside of those roles was canceled (LGBTQ+, soft men, strong women).

The world has changed. That game has ended.


I see it in so many ways but most strongly for me is the exposure I have to transgender people altering society.

A fun example: I watched the cable show “And Just Like That …” which is the sequel to “Sex and the City”. The ladies were shown to no longer fit into NYC culture. They were the female role models of two decades ago. The younger people of the story were living outside of gender roles of the past and the ladies were shown trying to adapt. (I found it interesting that “Big” died, he represented the classic male role.)

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