Sunday 10-11-15 Light Body

Happy Sunday!
“There is nothing more important to true growth than realizing that you are not the voice of the mind – you are the one who hears it.” ~ Michael Singer
On Saturday morning I was meditating.  I had an intention of wanting to experience the expansiveness of All That Is … well at least a piece of the Universe.  I was thinking of the cosmic awareness that I have read about the authors experiencing in books like Celestine Prophecy, The Four Agreements, and Eat, Pray, Love.  I want one of those big Ah-ha experiences that the author’s indicate changes their perspective on this world and gives them a brief connection to Oneness.
I thought of my sprite, my Tinkerbell light as I have called it in past blogs.  I may not have mentioned in the past but when I travel down into my heart, my castle, that an orb of light travels with me.  Somehow this light is me and it is separate.  My sprite zips down into the grounds of the castle to fly and play while I follow along.  At times I have grabbed a ride on my sprite to be able to drop into the castle from above.
I don’t fully understand what the sprite represents. Is it spirit?  Is it soul?  Are they different?
Back to my meditation … so on Saturday I thought that perhaps I could experience the cosmos by shifting my awareness into my sprite.  I did this and my inner vision showed me a blob of light ahead of me.  I got the sense that I was attached to a single particle within my sprite.  If that was the case then I was looking toward the center like being on a star and looking toward the center of a galaxy.  I decided to turn my awareness around only to see a bit less light.  Still thinking of the galaxy analogy I thought maybe I need to move to a particle on the edge of the orb.
My vision immediately changed and I was suddenly looking at myself but not the Tricia I see in the mirror each day.  I was looking at a bright smiling translucent me.  My light body I thought.  I am not sure where the label came from; it was one of those knowing but not knowing moments. It was a unique experience for a part of me but another part of me knew and was comfortable with the image (similar to my Sacred Heart experience).
What I saw was the left side of my face looking lit and radiant like the image I have attached to this blog.
I tried to send my sprite out into the cosmos but it would not move very far. I realized that my consciousness attached to it brought my fears and doubts so it was restricted.  I brought my awareness back to my body and my sprite flew freely. And, somewhere deep within me I felt the freedom of my spirit return.
So now I am writing of this experience on Monday morning.  I think this experience is moving me toward answers and new questions.
The last couple of weeks I keep thinking back on Mickey’s teaching on Oprah and in his books about the seat of Self.  I have questioned this as I think that he is speaking of a single beingness back there but I feel like there are multiple beings in me.  The vision of my meditation has shown me a couple.
This morning I knew I wanted to find an image on the internet to portray my light body self that I saw.  When I Googled ‘light body’ I also got returned many webpages referencing it.  Wikipedia related my search to a page about the ‘subtle body’.  I learned that ancient eastern traditions and occult theories teach of 3-4 layers of energy bodies. (See the chart below.)

(Chart reference: The Vehicles of the Soul according to the Theosophist Curuppumullage Jinarajadasa.)

I knew there was more to me!  But, as I think about my vision journey it also makes me recognize that I am only one consciousness, the focus of it can move around from one part of me to another.  I think I understand Mickey a bit better now; I think he is saying to stay aware and intent on where we have our consciousness focused.  It seems we humans have many places (bodies) it can attach to.
I like that the author of the chart called it ‘vehicles of the soul’.  It makes me think that our consciousness is our true eternal Self.  These energy bodies are like vehicles (car, train, plane, rocket) that we can choose which one we want to ride within at any moment.
I also got linked to the Institute of Noetic Sciences and an article of healing practices with the subtle body.  This felt good which made me think perhaps this is where I am heading, to know more of subtle energy to learn about healing.
I guess we’ll see what is coming next. It is always fun!
And so it is.
“Again Jesus spoke to them, saying, ‘I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.’” ~ John 8:12

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